Pearl   --   Light Black   --  Other Dun  --   Mushroom   --   Hanoverian Cream   --  Other
a Hippo-Logistics web site

Links to other pages in this site are at the top and bottom.

If you contact the webmaster about this site, please include the URL of the page to which you are referring.  This web master is responsible for several web sites, with hundreds of pages each. Thank you so much, everyone, for all of your help!

Scientific Breakthrough at U.C. Davis!

The dilution found in horses descended from the granddam of Barlink Macho Man, My Tontime, has been DNA located and there is now a test for it.  It is the same dilution that was found in the Iberian horses, masquerading as double-cream or champagne: PEARL.

It's not being called the "Barlink" dilution now; its official, scientific name is "pearl" (Prl).

Please see this page: Pearl  -- and from there, the Paint Horse buttons or links, to find the horses formerly called "Barlink"

Barbara Kostelnik,
newdilutions founder/webmaster

Pearl Other Dun HanoverianCream Light Black Other Mushroom DNA Tests "Barlink"?

This web site created, maintained, and © copyright through 2020 by Barbara A. Kostelnik,,  for educational and research purposes. 
To contact webmaster: click here
Note from webmaster: I have NOTdisabled right-click on any of my web sites. 
I consider that very rude.
If you wish to use something from this site, please just ask,
and I'll usually reply "Of course, just please note where you got it."

I, myself, try to give the appropriate credit for everything I use.
If you find something that you feel should have credit assigned differently,
or an error, please let me know.  Please include the URL of the page,
so that I may find and correct the problem. Thank you!

The newdilutions Yahoogroup/list was originally created for recognized color researchers and owners/breeders of horses of new dilutions only.  However, it is now open to anyone with a serious interest in horse colors.  The archives alone are nearly priceless... feel free to join us to have access to the list's history, and photo albums =>

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