DNA Color
Test Information
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who does not make any guarantee about their accuracy.
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CHAMPAGNE plus: Tobiano, E Locus (red gene), Agouti, Cream gene, Sabino,
Overo Lethal White Syndrome (OLWS), Silver Dapple (Z),
red, black, agouti (A / a only), cream, dun, pearl, silver, LWO, Sabino-1, Tobiano,
ALL AGOUTI : (seal) brown (At) vs. bay (A) vs.
black (a) - Red vs. Black - Cream
Dilution - Silver Dilution - Tobiano - Lethal White Overo (LWO/OLWS) - Sabino-1 (SB1)
offers 7 tests: Tobiano, E Locus (red gene), Agouti, Cream gene, Sabino,
Overo Lethal White Syndrome (OLWS), Silver Dapple (Z), gray, champagne
at this time we do not have any feedback from people who've used them.
They offer tests for black/red, agouti, tobiano, cream, sabino, and silver.
$30 for the first test and $25 for any additional test (per animal).
Send to:
E. Gus Cothran, Ph.D.
Equine Genetics Lab.
Texas A&M University
TAMU 4458
College Station, TX 77843-4458
(979) 845-0229
black, red, agouti, cream, silver